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Progwhiz QR Generator
Progwhiz QR Generator

The Progwhiz QR Generator empowers Companies & Individuals
the ability to Easily Create & Integrate Professional QR Codes

Basic(Free) QR Generator
  • Free QR Generator to create QR Codes in multiple colours and demo embedding Progwhiz Logo Only
Limited Professional QR Generator
Commercial Professional QR Generator
QR Generator API's

Topup to create QR Codes
Generator Tools or API's
10 QR Codes $50
20 QR Codes $80
40 QR Codes $140
100 QR Codes $300
200 QR Codes $500
400 QR Codes $800
Unlimited QR Codes for 365 days $2000
** 100 Free QR Codes on 1st Topup a $300 Value!! **
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      Launched June 2022!
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